How to use Wortschatz Leipzig web services in C#

C# Sourcecode IconIn that article I provided a small C# based library that allows you to easily access the thesaurus web service of the Wortschatz Leipzig project.
Now, in this article, I want to describe briefly what “obstacles” I had to overcome to address the web service from C#. Despite the fact that the Wortschatz Leipzig team provides a WSDL file for their web service, it is not done with adding a Web- or ServiceReference in Visual Studio.
Add Wortschatz Leipzig web service to Visual Studio solution
First you need to create a ServiceReference to the desired web service. For this article, let’s take the thesaurus web service. The path to the WSDL file, which is required to create the ServiceReference, is:
Info: I called the ServiceReference “ThesaurusClient”.
Now one would think that everything is done and you would have to instantiate the client class and […]

C#-API for the Wortschatz Leipzig webservices

csharp webserviceAt the weekend I was looking for a way to find synonyms for a given word. After a quick search on the net I came across the Openthesaurus project, which offers an offline database of synonyms for download. However, I wanted to have a second source for comparison. After further searching, I went to the thesaurus of the “Wortschatz Leipzig” project.  Although they offer no offline synonym database, but a free webservice.
Since this web service can not be easily integrated in the Visual Studio into your own projects and it took me some time and energy to figure out how to get things up and running, I have enclosed my whole web service client code into a small library.
If you’re not interested in a “ready-to-use” library, but in […]

How to setup a proxy server in Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012 LogoWhen I once again recently wanted to bring a few thoughts into bits and bytes, I realized that I could not download neither updates nor Nuget packages from the Visual Studio 2012. The Visual Studio was absolutely convinced that my computer had no Internet connection. But this could not be, after all, because every other application still got connected.
So I thought about what I’ve changed in my setup in the last day and then I got an idea. For several days I surf through a proxy server. I do this from time to time and I previously never had problems using older versions of Visual Studio.
When searching for the proxy server settings in the Visual Studio 2012 itself, I was disappointed. There’s simply no options or settings dialogues for that case. So I want to […]

MySpace Loader – sourcecode available for download

myspace loader iconAs one or the other user has already noticed, my myspace download tool, called “MySpace Loader”, unfortunately doesn’t work any longer. This is due to the final changeover of the MySpace website. Last months there was still a transitional phase in which both, the old and the new version of the website, was accessible. But since some days, only the new site is still online and by that reason my MySpace Loader does not work any longer.
Since I currently lack the time to rewrite the MySpace Loader for the new page, but I think it would also be a shame to let the project die, I have decided to publish the source code of MySpace Loader. Because I’ve often got mails in the last 2 years, in which I have been asked to give out the source code, […]

How to add speech recognition to any website with HTML5

speech-webkit-demoSince Apple’s Siri voice recognition/voice control has again got back in focus of the crowd.  But Siri is far from being the only working voice control solution. There were already a number implementations before, some good some bad, and there is still far more than just Siri.
How you can “install” a voice recognition into your website with just one line of code, is what I want to show you today. The whole thing is based on HTML5 and is established as an  input element-tag.
And this is how it works:

<input type="text" x-webkit-speech />

Who wants to see the speech recognition in action, should go over there.  The only downside of this solution is the fact, that this speech recognition is far from cross-browser compatible. So at the moment it’s only implemented in Google’s Chrome browser. However, I […]