Pixlr-o-matic – the Instagram for PC

I’m sure everybody knows or at least has heard about Instragram. The most famous app to give your photos some nice effects. However, anyone who has not a smartphone or tablet, or rather prefers to edit his pictures on the PC, should have a look at pixlr-o-matic. The only requirement is a browser with Flash support, but that should indeed be easier and cheaper to procure than a smartphone or tablet. ;)
So you can imagine how the whole thing works, I made you some screenshots. Let’s go!
vorlage (960x1280)
This image serves as sample picture. (If one wants to know where it’s been – it’s at my grandpa’s house.)
pixlromatic upload
By clicking “Upload” you go.
In the first step, you can choose between a […]

What’s the best adsense app for android?

For some time I use Google Adsense on this blog. Ok, it’s definitely not the big win, but a penny saved is a penny earned. But how to stay up to date on your Google Adsense earnings?
As an Android user I have of course searched in Googles Appmarket and was again disabused that free apps in many cases aren’t inferior to paid apps  in any way. But let’s get down to business.
The app that I like to show you, to overview your income, is called Adsense Dashboard and can be downloaded for free from the Android Market. Also aboard is a great widget which can be seen on the left-hand screenshot.
The main view of the app consists of four pages/panels. One with a total overview, one with a visualization of your click-through rates and revenue, one with the receipts […]

“A regular crossword” – a crossword puzzle for coders

How about a crossword puzzle for programmers? One in which the searched words are not described by reference words, but by regular expressions. That’s what I call a crossword. And so I got immediately enthusiastic about the regular expression crossword from this years MIT Mystery Hunt when a friend pointed it to me. (The Mystery Hunt is a competition that is arranged for more than 30 years, held every year at MIT and in which it comes to solve a whole bunch of puzzles.)
One part of this year’s MIT Mystery Hunt is the just mentioned crossword which is titled “A regular Crossword”. Contrary to classical crosswords there are three descriptive directions. The horizontal and two diagonal. Each direction is described by a regular expression.
And now to the puzzle. You can download it as PDF file on the MIT Coinheist page. Alternatively, I’ve saved a copy on my server.

Why Whatsapp is boon and bane at the same time

Whatsapp CC LogoWhatsapp, one of the most widely used messengers for mobile devices, should be known to the most people. I myself use Whatsapp since one and a half years and I have always been satisfied. I never had problems with messages send too late or something similar. Even money I had to pay not yet. And as my smartphone phone contract brings an internet flatrate with it, Whatsapp is a free alternative to SMS for me, which I don’t want to miss anymore.
Well now the payment model of whatsapp should indeed be known. iOS users pay once for the app – users of other systems, so as Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone, get the app for free, but will be prompted after one year to pay for the service. The annual fee is then close to 1$. Even so […]