Update: Cloud Downloader 2.8

Cloud Downloader 2.8
Since a couple of minutes the new version 2.8 of the CloudDownloader is available for you. At this point I would like to thank you for your numerous feedback that has been incorporated into the new version of Cloud Downloader.
In addition to a few bugfixes, the new version has mainly received your wishes and suggestions. I also added some small new features out of my head. You can see from the following list what has happened exactly.
As always, I look forward to your feedback. If you have ideas for improvements, just tell me!
Download: CloudDownloader 2.8
Innovations and bugfixes in version 2.8:

Bugfix: The “/tracks” URLs work again in the search.
Bugfix: Songs from the homepage (https://soundcloud.com/) can be found again.
Upgrade: When a song (for technical reasons) can not be downloaded, it will be skipped and displayed at the end in a list. (Previously an […]

Update: Cloud Downloader 2.5

Cloud Downloader 2.5 - DownloadFor a few minutes the new Cloud Downloader has been available for download. Besides a few bug fixes, some new features were added in the current version 2.5.
At this point, once again thank you for your feedback from the community and your emails with suggestions and ideas.
New features and fixes in version 2.5:

Fix: Likes/like-pages are found in search again.
Upgrade: Improved search algorithm.
Feature: During the search process a more detailed search progress is shown, so that waiting times can be bridged better.
Feature: There’s a new tab for settings. Both the “download is ready”-sound and the pop-up which is shown after successful downloads can be disabled by the user. If needed a standard download path can be preselected.
Feature: A self-test which runs during the applications startup was implemented. Thus we can hopefully find out why the downloader is crashing on some users’ PC.

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Captain Herrmano’s Mystery Box – a Reverse Geocache

Captain Herrmano's Mystery Box
Today we’ll be talking about Captain Herrmano’s Mystery Box, a piece of hardware that I built over a year ago. But what is this box, what does it do, who was it built for and who is this Captain Herrmano anyway? This will be the topic of this article.
What is Captain Herrmano’s Mystery Box?
The box is a so-called “reverse geocaching puzzle”. The inspiration for this project was a reverse geocaching box built in 2009 by Mikael Hart. Unlike Mikael’s version of the box, it’s not enough to simply find and visit the target place. To unlock the treasure of Captain Herrmano, the player has to solve more tasks.
The special thing about this box is that it interacts with the player, and not just via text – it also has sound and light feedback, […]

Update: WordPress2Doc

Wordpress2Doc - All-in-OneToday, there is again a small software update. Since yesterday, namely the new version (1.2..0.0) of my software “WordPress2Doc” is available for download. In addition to a bug fix also two small new features are added.
For those who can not remember what WordPress2Doc is good for ot those who are new in the “code-bude.net”-community, I’ll explain the benefits of Wordpress2Doc in a few words.
With WordPress2Doc you can save any (as well as many) articles and pages of a WordPress blog as a Word document (.docx) and as a PDF file. So with WordPress2Doc you can, for example, back up your blog posts, print and prepare them for other use cases.
What’s new in WordPress2Doc
The following things are new in the latest version of WordPress2Doc:

Bugfix: WordPress2Doc can handle and save blog […]

Manipulate any program by using C#

Manipulate any program by using CsharpThis article is going to be all about how you can control, customize and extend other programs using C#. As an example scenario we’re going to be extending the default Windows program Notepad with a custom function.
The C# application will modify all running instances of Notepad by adding a new button to the UI and listening for clicks on the button. A click on the button will convert the text in the Notepad text field into HTML using a Markdown parser (What is Markdown?) and display the HTML in our application.
If you follow the article, the finished product is going to look like this:

The article will have you construct the program step by step. If you want to read the […]