Lightbox Plugin for WordPress 3.3

Lightbox Plus BeispielToday I want to point you to a plugin for WordPress, that I use for a few days here on my blog. It’s called Lightbox Plus Colorbox and is mainly used to display photos. I had already installed some lightbox plugins in my blog but none of them met all my requirements …
(All of you, who have no idea what a “lightbox” is, should click on the small left-hand image. As you will see, the picture does not open in a new window, but places on the Web site and the background is dimmed/grayed out. That’s what the lightbox plugin is responsible for.)
With Lightbox Plus I have now found a lightbox plugin which fits like a hand in glove to my requirements. It’s free, compatible with WordPress 3.3, has a lot of options and most importantly it fits […]

How to stream music from your router to your android devices

Fitzbox NASThese days you will get faced with the term “cloud” everywhere. I am, for my part, not really a fan of cloud streaming because nearly every solution that I tried did not work without complications.
But in recent weeks, I got friend with a streaming solution within my appartment’s walls. And this solution is what I want to introduce to you today.
At first some information concerning the initial situation. I confess that I am a passionate fan of audio dramas. (I’m really addicted to “The three Investigators”. Some of my friends blaspheme, that I were too old for it, but take it from me, you’re never too old for The Three Investigator because it’s cult!)
However, normally I like to listen to another episode every evening. But to copy every evening another tape to my phone […]

How to create video files in C# (from single images)

create videos in csharpToday there is again a bit of C# code. I’m writing about how you can create video files in C # from individual images or bitmaps. Using the AForge library, which I have used in the already in the C# webcam tutorial, this is going to be relatively simple.
For the following tutorial you need the AForge.Video.FFMPEG.dll library and its FFMPEG libraries. Both can be found by clicking the below link. On the downloadpage you have to select that .zip-file, which contains “(libs only)” in it’s filename.

AForge Libs Download

Now open your Visual Studio or an alternative program, that you want to use to write your program. (For the following tutorial I’m using Visual Studio.)
Create a project
Next you create a new project, I decided on a WinForms project, and wait until […]

Performance test: rotate images in C# – Bitmap.RotateFlip vs.Graphics-Object

During my search for a function to rotate images in C#, I came across the following post on rotate images with C #.
Besides the method presented in the article there were 2 other approaches presented in the comments and so the question was: which method is the fastest of them.
Since this also awakened my interest, I wrote a small test application which checks every of those functions for their performance.
After a few test runs, it became clear that the original solution from the above mentioned post was not suitable because it created a new bitmap every run, what eats tons of memory. Thus, the following function has been excluded from the tests.

public Bitmap rotateImage(Bitmap bitmap, float angle)
Bitmap returnBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(returnBitmap);
graphics.TranslateTransform((float)bitmap.Width / 2, (float)bitmap.Height / 2);