How to install Netis WF2190 driver under Kubuntu

How to install Netis WF2190 in KubuntuThe following article is about how to find and install the appropriate (K)ubuntu driver for the Netis WF2190 WLAN stick. For a few weeks I work mainly under Linux (again) and as with almost every of my attempts trying to switch from Windows to Linux, there were again difficulties with the WiFi this time.
So, to spare you the hassle, I wrote the following short tutorial for you about how to install the Netis WF2190 drivers under Kubuntu.
Finding a Linux driver for a Netis WiFi stick
Before we begin, let’s make a small test by lsusb command. If you enter this command in the terminal, all connected USB devices are listed with fuirther information.


As shown in the screenshot below, our WiFi stick is also included […]

How to convert Audible aax files to mp3 in Linux

Convert Audible aax-files to mp3 in LinuxSo far I always assumed that when I buy music or audiobooks on Amazon for download, I’ll get mp3 files for download. Far from it – yesterday I once again bought a an audiobook and had to find out that I was forwarded after the purchase to Audible and there was confronted with a “protected” aax file. If I wanted to buy at Audible, I would have gone to Audible. Thanks for nothing, Amazon!
But now the following question arises: “How do I convert the proprietary aax files into mp3’s, which I can play everywhere?” (aax files are only playable with the official Audible apps which aren’t available on all platforms.) After all, when buying on Amazon, there wasn’t the talk about the fact that the purchased audiobook […]

How to disable PHP OPCache for certain directories

Deactivate OPCache per folderIn this article, I want to show you how to disable the OPCache based caching for certain directories. (If you need a short introduction to the subject of OPCache, you should scroll down to the blue box in this article.) Although OPCache is a good idea in almost all cases, there are, as with many thing, situations where you should make an exception. Especially when it comes to the development or if a bugfix is to be tested, it can make sense to disable OPCache.
However, since other projects that benefit from OPCache are often running on the same web server, a complete deactivation of OPCache for such test cases can not be an option. Therefore, this article is about how to disable OPCache on the […]

Switch WordPress to HTTPS with free Let’s Encrypt certificates

How to switch your WordPress blog to HTTPSAs the one or other may have noticed, is running strictly via HTTPS protocol since some days. All requests via HTTP protocol will be redirected to HTTPS. How exactly the switch from HTTP to HTTPS for was realised and what things to have in mind, I want to explain in the following article.
This article shall show you how to change your WordPress blog setup from HTTP to HTTPS. As a basis for the article I used my setup, which consists of a VPS (virtual private server) with runs Ubuntu Server as operating system and Apache as a web server.
To give you a better overview, I divided the article in the following parts:

Why you should use HTTPS for a WordPress blog?
How to install Certbot and generate SSL certificates
Automatically renew SSL certificates with Certbot
Configure Apache to use Let’s […]

How to install and configure Roundcube

how to install roundcubeToday we’ll be talking about installing the webmail client Roundcube on your website or web server. However, before we begin I’d like to say a few words about why a webmail client is a good idea in the first place and why I decided to use Roundcube. If you’re just interested in the installation procedure, you can skip directly to the next paragraph (“Basic requirements”).
Why install a webmail client? I can answer that question only for me and my specific case. I have several email addresses – one is a Gmail address and the others are addresses for my websites and blogs that all have the format
So when I want to see my emails, I don’t want to open five different websites and three programs. I’d like for everything to be in […]