Tutorial: Configuring Sublime Text as Arduino IDE with Stino

Stino - Sublime Text Arduino IDETo develop my programs and web applications I mainly use two editors/IDEs. For the former I use the wonderful Visual Studio, and for the latter – Sublime Text, the editor that I cannot do without ever since I first discovered it. If you still don’t know what Sublime Text is, you should download the free unlimited demo version. I bet a few among you will switch to it from your editors!
But that’s not going to be the topic of this post. See, when I worked on my Arduino projects before, I was bound to Arduino’s standard IDE, which, in all fairness, wasn’t exactly eye-candy and needed getting used to. The good news? Recently it became possible to develop for Arduino in Sublime Text. From coding, to compiling, to uploading onto the actual Arduino. Even […]

Activating margin and border settings for images in WordPress

Wordpress klassichen Bildeditor wiederherstellen - Titelbild
The new 3.9 release of WordPress brought with it some new changes. Sadly, this time around at least one feature was removed, which is missed by quite a few people. Since WordPress 3.9 it’s impossible to edit borders or margins in the image editor.
This isn’t a huge problem for me personally, since I know how to set these properties manually in HTML. Still, this workaround isn’t always the best solution and editing HTML isn’t for every WordPress user. Solving this problem is going to be the topic of this article.
Activating the margin and border editing interface
At the moment, to be able to conveniently edit the borders and margins in the new version of WordPress you need a plugin. It’s called Advanced Image Styles and it’s available for free in the WordPress plugin repository. […]

Update: Cloud Downloader 2.6

Cloud Downloader 2.6 - SearchingToday is “update day”. From now on you can download the new Cloud Downloader 2.6. Besides some bugfixes, I have implemented some new features which came from you – the community. At this point I really like to say “thank you” for your outstanding support, your bug reports and your new ideas.
Below is a quick overview of what has changed in the new version:

[Feature] Search- and download status are shown in the taskbar from now on. So you can minimize the Cloud Downloader window without leaving focus the app’s status.
[Feature] Album covers are saved in a higher resolution (500×500 px instead of 100x100px) from now on.
[Feature] You can get more songs from an artist and support him, by clicking on the shopping cart icon in the search results. (This starts an amazon.com search for the artist’s name and the […]

Update: Cloud Downloader 2.5

Cloud Downloader 2.5 - DownloadFor a few minutes the new Cloud Downloader has been available for download. Besides a few bug fixes, some new features were added in the current version 2.5.
At this point, once again thank you for your feedback from the community and your emails with suggestions and ideas.
New features and fixes in version 2.5:

Fix: Likes/like-pages are found in search again.
Upgrade: Improved search algorithm.
Feature: During the search process a more detailed search progress is shown, so that waiting times can be bridged better.
Feature: There’s a new tab for settings. Both the “download is ready”-sound and the pop-up which is shown after successful downloads can be disabled by the user. If needed a standard download path can be preselected.
Feature: A self-test which runs during the applications startup was implemented. Thus we can hopefully find out why the downloader is crashing on some users’ PC.

Get the […]

Captain Herrmano’s Mystery Box – a Reverse Geocache

Captain Herrmano's Mystery Box
Today we’ll be talking about Captain Herrmano’s Mystery Box, a piece of hardware that I built over a year ago. But what is this box, what does it do, who was it built for and who is this Captain Herrmano anyway? This will be the topic of this article.
What is Captain Herrmano’s Mystery Box?
The box is a so-called “reverse geocaching puzzle”. The inspiration for this project was a reverse geocaching box built in 2009 by Mikael Hart. Unlike Mikael’s version of the box, it’s not enough to simply find and visit the target place. To unlock the treasure of Captain Herrmano, the player has to solve more tasks.
The special thing about this box is that it interacts with the player, and not just via text – it also has sound and light feedback, […]