Setting up DynDNS for domains with

Also, if I rent my webspace (and now my VPS) always from german companies, my domains are with a foreign supplier. Specifically at This has several reasons. I’ve only had good experience there, I really like their web interface, the payment by Paypal and also the support is really fast.
One of the features which suits me very well at is the possibility to use DynDNS with all domains registered there. And moreover it’s free. With other providers, you pay for it often.
How to configure a domain on Namecheap backend, so that the DNS records can be updated automatically, I want to show you in the following.
Configure domains with Namecheap for use with DynDNS
namecheap_dyndns_setup_1In the first step you log into your account at Then select the domain for which you want to enable the DynDNS […]

GrooveDown – Grooveshark Downloader

groovedown_logoJust seen on Caschy’s blog and instantly tested just for you – GrooveDown – a DownloadHelper for Grooveshark. For those who are not familiar with Grooveshark, here is a brief introduction:  Grooveshark is a mixture of Spotify and Youtube. It allows you to stream music without video, in good quality – provided by the users of Grooveshark and some music companies/labels.
You can download Groovedown from this site. But be careful during the installation process! You should definitely choose the “custom” installation, unless you are keen on a new homepage and default search engine in your browser. So just take the check mark off. (See screenshot below)
groovedown install
Once the installation is over, you can go on. Enter a search word, add songs to the download […]

How to add speech recognition to any website with HTML5

speech-webkit-demoSince Apple’s Siri voice recognition/voice control has again got back in focus of the crowd.  But Siri is far from being the only working voice control solution. There were already a number implementations before, some good some bad, and there is still far more than just Siri.
How you can “install” a voice recognition into your website with just one line of code, is what I want to show you today. The whole thing is based on HTML5 and is established as an  input element-tag.
And this is how it works:

<input type="text" x-webkit-speech />

Who wants to see the speech recognition in action, should go over there.  The only downside of this solution is the fact, that this speech recognition is far from cross-browser compatible. So at the moment it’s only implemented in Google’s Chrome browser. However, I […]

The Restart Page – restart as the whim takes you

Some time ago, Falk (who is also responsible for shared a link on Facebook to a site which got my attention. Although it’s a small site, it’s very entertaining. The page is called “The Restart Page” and does not more or less, than it’s title promises.
Currently 17 operating systems are offered. By clicking on the respective “Restart” button for the OS, a realistic restart animation/simulation is offered.
Whether the whole thing makes sense and offers great value, I doubt it. But anyway it’s nice to see it and thus all got a great job at such a gray Sunday like today.
What I would find interesting: Did Apple’s Rhapsody really started such slow? Because if so, you could cook a barrel of coffee and install Windows x-times, until Rhapsody is started. Phew, I love my Windows 8 – cold booting […]

wpSuggest – find the right keywords for your WordPress articles

Google SuggestToday I want to present you a WordPress plugin once again. But let us start with a short introduction.
Google’s autocomplete feature called Google Suggest should be known by everyone who uses Google. (And that should probably be the most.)  It is really convenient if you do not have to type in the complete search phrase everytime, because Google already suggests, what you actually wanted to write/search.
However, Google Suggest offers even more. Because if you do not know which keywords you need to use exactly, or want to know what is popular, so you just type a few letters or a word and then Google is proposing all suitable or relevant search phrases. And here we come to the WordPress plugin, that I want to introduce you today.
Uwe Ramminger from namely has developed a small WordPress plugin called […]