How to set up a PERL development environment on Windows with Eclipse

perl_article_logoAs I shall deal, due to the university, the next six months with Perl, a appropriate IDE was needed. And because there were not given any installation instructions at my university, I have written down in the following, how you can set up a viable development environment for Perl scripts on Windows.
After reading this article you should be able to write Perl code using the IDE “Eclipse”. This has the advantage that in eclipse (by help of plugins) syntax errors are detected, etc.. If you know Eclipse and think it’s too “heavy weight” then you need to be patient for a little bit. In the following days I’ll post a further article in which I’ll describe how you can set up Notepad++ to use it as Perl development environment.
Firstly you will need a Perl distribution – I’ve decided on ActiveState […]

Display PHP errors in Webmatrix

WebMatrix 2 - logoFor several weeks Microsofts development environment, called WebMatrix, is available in version 3. As already the first and second version was, WebMatrix 3 is ​​a free development environment for websites and web applications of different platforms such as ASP.NET, PHP, and HTML5.
I use WebMatrix from time to time to test, among other things, just one or the other PHP script. Sadly the provided/integrated web server shows by the default settings, so as it is delivered, no PHP error messages. So when the gremlins sneak in your PHP script and you have not caught all code in try-catch blocks, you only see a white page in browser. For productive environments this seems to make sense, but for a development tool, this is plain and simple said – bullshit!
To show the, in my opinion very helpful, […]

Show status bar in Windows 8 explorer

In Windows 8, as everybody knows, was indeed also heavily bolted to the Explorer. Among other things, the Explorer has now received a ribbon bar. Everything looks very chic and is also functional. However, what I miss in default settings is, that the Explorer in Windows 8 is shipped with hidden status bar. (This is the small bar at the bottom border of the Explorer, where you can see attributes such as size, number of files, etc..)
How do you get the bar to appear again, I would like to show briefly below. Probably since Windows 7 not much has changed to do so, but I was never confronted about in Windows 7-times with this problem.
Step 1:
Open an Explorer window (Computer, My Documents, etc. …).
Step 2:
Switch to the “View” tab in the ribbon bar. Then navigate to “Options” and then […]

How to start page numbers in Word from specific page

Office-Apps-Word-Metro-iconInsert page numbers in Word documents is a breeze. A click on the tab “Paste”, another on “Page Numbers” and then it is almost done. But if you want to configure only a little more than the orientation or font size of the page numbers, you get an serious problem. Then it suddenly did not seem so easy.
If you want to start the page numbering, for example, from the third page, because for example the first two pages are occupied with the cover page and table of contents, you have to grab in the bag of tricks.
How exactly to do this, if you want to let the page numbers in Word start from any given page, I’ll show you now.
Step 1:
If you have not already done so, activate (for sake of clarity) the display of paragraph marks […]

Javascript’s escape() in C# – a C# equivalent to the escape()-function

csharp_vs_javascriptThe .NET framework provides a large number of ways to encode HTML code and URLs. There exist, for example, Uri.EscapeDataString(), Uri.EscapeUriString(), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(), System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode() or System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode().
However, if you are looking for equivalent functionality to Javascript’s escape(), so you will be disappointed by all of these aforementioned functions. None of these inherently with the .NET framework delivered functions is equivalent to the Javascript escape() function.  For better understanding, I made the following example:
The test text is in german, because the ‘ä’ is a nice character to show the problems. Translated to english it means: “Raffi’s annoying C# testcode”.

// Original source text
// Raffi’s ärgerlicher C# Teststring/Testcode.

// Javascript original (produced by escape())
// Raffi%27s%20%E4rgerlicher%20C%23%20Teststring/Testcode.

// Uri.EscapeDataString():
// Raffi’s%20%C3%A4rgerlicher%20C%23%20Teststring%2FTestcode.

// Uri.EscapeUriString():
// Raffi’s%20%C3%A4rgerlicher%20C#%20Teststring/Testcode.

// System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode():
// Raffi%27s+%c3%a4rgerlicher+C%23+Teststring%2fTestcode.

// System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode():
// Raffi’s%20%c3%a4rgerlicher%20C#%20Teststring/Testcode.

// System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode():
// Raffi's ärgerlicher C# Teststring/Testcode.

// System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode():
// Raffi's ärgerlicher C# Teststring/Testcode.

But I would not blog about it if I did not have […]