How to run Android on PC

Android unter WindowsIn the following article I’ll show you how to run Android in a virtual machine on your Windows. The post may appear relatively long at first glance, but actually setting up is really easy. So don’t be daunted by the article’s lenght.
If you reach the end of the article and did all steps correctly, you can work with Windows and Android on the same machine at the same time.  And now blathered enough, let’s go!
What do we need?

Microsoft Virtual PC (Download) or VirtualBox (Download)
Android x86 iso-file (Download)

At first you have to install Microsoft’s Virtual PC. Therefore you have to download it (use the link from the above “What do we need?”-list ). But wait – maybe you can spare yourself the download and installation. Take a look at your Start […]

Cloud Downloader

Cloud Downloader 2.9This is the home of the “Cloud Downloader” (formerly known as Soundcloud Downloader”). Here you will find the downloadlink, can write me comments and feature wishes, say thank you and maybe, if you really like the software, send me some bucks.
For all those who do not know the Cloud Downloader, I have included a short video below this paragraph. If you don’t like videos – no problem – the idea behinde the Cloud Downloader is explained in a few words.
You start the Cloud Downloader, add a link which points to any songpage on and click on the search-button. After that the Downloader shows you all available songs and you can choose if you like to listen to them or download them with another click, without any fuss.


Download every song […]

[Wiki] Motion JPEG

Motion JPEG, also known as MJPEG, is a video codec which saves every single frame as jpeg image.
In contrary to videos which are comprimized with MPEG codecs where, among other things, only the frame differences are stored, in MJPEG videos the whole frames are saved as separately jpeg images.  This brings advantages as also disadvantages with it.
On the one hand there are no artefacts in fast video sequences/scenes but on the other hand you get much larger video files because much more image information has to be stored. For a video in SVHS-quality, which is saved in MJPEG format, you need round about 25 MBit (3,1 MByte) per second.
MJPEG encoded video material can be found today usually only in the ip-cam sector.  (ip-cam = network camera) For network cameras the MJPEG codec seems to be ideal, because it needs hardly any hardware resources for encoding the video and nearly every […]

New category – “wiki”

Hello together,
I’ll just want to inform you that there’ll be soon a new category. The category will be named “wiki” and gradually filled with articles, which on the contrary to my other articles on this blog, will completely missing my personal touch. The articles should be seen as pure knowledge articles which are totally free from any comments of mine or my personal opinion.
If you now ask yourself, “Why does he do that?” I’ll say, “let me explain it to you.” A couple of times there have been articles where I used techniques and terms whiche are not very common. So as not to bloat these articles with all that nerdy stuff, I will create wiki articles on specific topics, which you can work through, to get the necessary background knowledge for the main articles.

How to easily record from a webcam in C#

What is the easiest way to use a webcam in C# and record from it? If you search for an answer to this question you’ll find a lot of articles in the internet but most of them are many pages long and very confusing. However that isn’t really necessary. With the aid of the AForge.NET library you can do the given task really easy. Just a few lines of C# code are enough to drive your webcam and capture images from it. In the following I’ll show you how to handle the AForge library.
What do you need?

The AForge.Video.dll together with the AForge.Video.DirectShow.dll
Both dlls can be found on the AForge website inside the “(libs only)” zip-archive.
A simple winforms-application, with a picturebox on its gui
A webcam. For example this one:No products found.
Basic C#-knowledge. If not exists, read this: No products found.

At first you have to reference the both dlls and write the using-statements […]