Why Whatsapp is boon and bane at the same time

Whatsapp CC LogoWhatsapp, one of the most widely used messengers for mobile devices, should be known to the most people. I myself use Whatsapp since one and a half years and I have always been satisfied. I never had problems with messages send too late or something similar. Even money I had to pay not yet. And as my smartphone phone contract brings an internet flatrate with it, Whatsapp is a free alternative to SMS for me, which I don’t want to miss anymore.
Well now the payment model of whatsapp should indeed be known. iOS users pay once for the app – users of other systems, so as Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone, get the app for free, but will be prompted after one year to pay for the service. The annual fee is then close to 1$. Even so I […]

How to save configuration settings in C#

How to save settings really quick and easy in C # applications? I’m sure this question has been asked certainly by everyone once during his career as C# programmer. And did you know? The answer is quite simple. The easiest way to answer this question is to use the  AppSettings from ConfigurationManager class of the .Net-Framework.
The. Net Framework brings its own managers to save and load settings with it. The properties are stored in the common XML format. And so you can see that dealing with the AppSettings is really a no-brainer , I have written two small functions for saving, changing and reading preferences.

public string getAppSetting(string key)
//Load the appsettings
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(

JavaScript based online Gameboy emulator

Original GameboyIt’s not often that I play games. And if I do, then my favorites are classic games. And yes, I still grow up with a Gameboy. With a large Gameboy.  Since these are no longer available, I have already had one or two emulators in my hands.  But what I’ve found now on the web, I’ve never seen before.
A student named Grant has developed his own Game Boy emulator. The remarkable thing is that it is completely written JavaScript and therefore runs online.
I think that’s an extraordinary achievement. An online demo can be found here. Also Grant has uploaded the sources to github.
The roms, which are needed to play, you have to get by yourself. But a short look over at Google should help you. Because the procurement of roms is in a legal […]

Tutorial: How to create a simple HTML5 JavaScript based progress bar

JavaScript Progressbar
Since I needed a javascript based progress bar for a Web project and I could not find a component that meets my expectations, I decided to write my own progressbar.
The project was implemented in JavaScript with help of the HTML5 canvas element. The progress bar gets along without any image files, as it is usually the case with other JS / CSS progress bar solutions. By default it can handle 100 states (0-100%) and input errors will be caught and visualized.
Since I like to share my developments I present you the progressbar of course. I’m always open for criticism, praise and suggestions.
For a demo / example click here. The source can be found over here: pbar.js
Below I will show you quickly how to use the progressbar.
At first you have to embed the progress bar script […]

Update: HNBK.plan 1.0.8 released

hnbk.plan-1.0.8_screenshotThe last update for the HNBK.plan app is already again a while. Today I’ll present you a new release. HNBK.plan in version 1.0.8. But please don’t expect great innovations. I only removed one silly bug that has been created through the new year. The current version can be found in the main article for the app. (Follow the link below.)
Download: HNBK.plan 1.0.8
For the nerds there’s something to smile. The error, that had crept in, was one to hit your head on the table… But take a look for yourself…
Old line:
String planUrl = "" +kw + "/c" + createClassPath() + ".htm";
Fixed line:
String planUrl = "" + (((kw + "").length() == 1) ? "0"+kw : kw) + "/c" + createClassPath() + ".htm";
Best regards,