WordPress self-hosting – what has to be considered?

self-hosted-wordpressI’ve been working with WordPress for over 9 years now and have already created, set-up and driven some blogs at this time. My own blogs all run on their own vServer. But if a friend or one of my family circle says “I want to start a blog, can you help me with the installation?”, then the blog usually ends up on a webspace.
But which webspace package is suitable? What are the installation requirements for WordPress and can not you simply take a free provider? I would like to clarify these and other questions.
WordPress self-hosting or ready to take-off solution?
If I am asked what I would recommend to a beginner – host the blog himself or use a complete solution like wordpress.com – then my answer is always always hosting itself. (If you don’t […]

How to improve WordPress load speed by Lazy Load plugin

Lazy Load Image Today I want to give the WordPress bloggers among you a little tip. It’s about the free WordPress plugin Lazy Load, that serves to reduce the loading time of your WordPress blog. But how does it work?
Lazy Load jQuery makes advantage of the Sonar Expansion and loads images only when they come into the viewport. In plain text, images are only loaded when they are in the visible area of ​​your web browser. The more images you have in an article/or on your main page, the more time you can save accordingly with the Lazy Load plugin.
Instead, the visitor must wait until all images are loaded so that he/she can scroll without lags, jerking or other restrictions on your site, visitors can now get going on much faster. Only when he scrolls into an area in […]

TagKeywordFinder – a free WordPress SEO plugin

Last while browsing I came across a WordPress plugin called wpSuggest. This links Google’s autocomplete function (the thing called “Google Suggest”, which ensures that you get suggestions while typing your question) with the title field in the WordPress editor. So if you write an article in the WordPress backend and type the title wpSuggest will make suggestions for the perfect title.
I liked the way the Google Suggest feature was used here. However, I found that the combination of Google Suggest and the input field for the keywords/tags would make much more sense.  So in short I have developed a small WordPress plugin named “TagKeywordFinder”. This plugin works similar to the above mentioned wpSuggest, with the small difference that it is used when tagging the article. And this is how it looks like:

(If you’re not intrested in the setup process, skip it to 1:00.)
When you begin to assign tags for your […]

wpSuggest – find the right keywords for your WordPress articles

Google SuggestToday I want to present you a WordPress plugin once again. But let us start with a short introduction.
Google’s autocomplete feature called Google Suggest should be known by everyone who uses Google. (And that should probably be the most.)  It is really convenient if you do not have to type in the complete search phrase everytime, because Google already suggests, what you actually wanted to write/search.
However, Google Suggest offers even more. Because if you do not know which keywords you need to use exactly, or want to know what is popular, so you just type a few letters or a word and then Google is proposing all suitable or relevant search phrases. And here we come to the WordPress plugin, that I want to introduce you today.
Uwe Ramminger from seo4wp.de namely has developed a small WordPress plugin called […]

Lightbox Plugin for WordPress 3.3

Lightbox Plus BeispielToday I want to point you to a plugin for WordPress, that I use for a few days here on my blog. It’s called Lightbox Plus Colorbox and is mainly used to display photos. I had already installed some lightbox plugins in my blog but none of them met all my requirements …
(All of you, who have no idea what a “lightbox” is, should click on the small left-hand image. As you will see, the picture does not open in a new window, but places on the Web site and the background is dimmed/grayed out. That’s what the lightbox plugin is responsible for.)
With Lightbox Plus I have now found a lightbox plugin which fits like a hand in glove to my requirements. It’s free, compatible with WordPress 3.3, has a lot of options and most importantly it […]