JavaScript based online Gameboy emulator

Original GameboyIt’s not often that I play games. And if I do, then my favorites are classic games. And yes, I still grow up with a Gameboy. With a large Gameboy.  Since these are no longer available, I have already had one or two emulators in my hands.  But what I’ve found now on the web, I’ve never seen before.
A student named Grant has developed his own Game Boy emulator. The remarkable thing is that it is completely written JavaScript and therefore runs online.
I think that’s an extraordinary achievement. An online demo can be found here. Also Grant has uploaded the sources to github.
The roms, which are needed to play, you have to get by yourself. But a short look over at Google should help you. Because the procurement of roms is in a legal […]

How to build a low cost Bluetooth relay

Bluetooth iconMeanwhile there are lots of solutions for home automation in the market. However the most of them share one flaw – their price. But blessedly there is Youtube where you can find a video for each topic…
On Youtube I came across a clever tinkerer named Lou, who shows how you can build a low cost Bluetooth relay. I think this is really cool, because there are a many application areas. You could open your garage door, switch lights on and off or unlock an electric lock. To build up one of these Bluetooth relays you must not even be a technical genius, because the use of a soldering iron is sufficient. Knowledge in programming or microcontroller-technology isn’t necessary.
For the Bluetooth relay you need only one transistor and a Bluetooth headset […]

Pex for fun – a programming game for Microsoft lovers

I’m just stumbled once again on a beautiful website that I want to share with you.
I found it at the german C# community where herbivore, the admin, posted it in this thread. But not panic, the game is in English.
The website, I like to show you, is on which you can solve a large number of more or less difficult programming “puzzles”. Relating to the available programming languages, you have the choice between C #, F # and Visual Basic.NET.
The puzzles are all built on the same base-function. This function, named “puzzle” is given and takes, depending on the puzzle, different numbers of paramaters. Your task is to find out, what the function should do with the input variables. So you can add any input and the game shows you the output of […]

How to run a full-value Linux on your Android device

I know, why I love my Android smartphone. It is open, flexible and the opportunities to use it seem to be endless. In times companies don’t let me choose, what software I can use to I transfer my music onto the device (Apple – iTunes), I, as an Android user, can ask myself the question: “Should I install the new Cyanogen Mod or straigt way a full-value Linux distribution on my device today? “.
Yes, you heard correctly, a full Linux distribution on your Android device. Ruan from Androidclone managed it and shares his knowledge gladly with all Android fans. At Androidclone board you can find a detailed tutorial, how to run Ubuntu 10.10 on your Android device.
It can be used parallel to Android as it is launched from […]

Free german spellchecker from Duden

The following post maybe is a little bit more directed on the german readers over at, but correctly I add a translation also for my international readers. Spelling correction is everywhere. Not matter if you use Microsofts Word, your smartphone, your mobile or your webbrowser of choice. Each of it brings its own spellchecker with it.

The problem is, that the German language, especially the German grammar, is more or less complex compared to a lot of other languages. So the most of the correction software doesn’t work quite well. However one, which works really good, is the one from Duden, the german standard reference spelling directory.
So if you maybe are learning the German language or want to be on the safe side, you could use the Duden spellchecker. The amazing thing about the Duden software is, that […]