How to detect operating system in Java

Detect operating system in javaIn the following article, there is a short Java snippet that can be used to read the operating system of the computer running the Java program.
In addition, it is the first Java snippet at all here in the blog. Although I have been writing a few lines of Java code again and again for a couple of years, I really couldn’t befriend myself (especially with regard to my C # passion) with Java so far yet. But since I have to deal more and more with Java on the job, however, this will soon be reflected in the blog. But let’s come to the Snippet now…
Read operating system in Java
In order to identify the computer’s operating system in Java, the getProperty-method of the system-class is suitable. […]

Best Practice: Convert 1 and 0 to true and false in Javascript

1 und 0 zu true und false in Javascript
Today there will be only a very short post. There are certainly many ways to convert 0 and 1 in Javascript to true and false.
The following way to reach the wanted result I’ve seen today. I think it is probably the shortest and most elegant way to go. In addition, it works not only for integer values, but also for the string representations of 0 to 1.
So this is the stuff I like to add to my personal “POP”-collection (pearls of programming)…
0 and 1 to true and false
To convert the integers 0 and 1 to boolean, it is sufficient to use the not-operator twice.

var thisIsFalse = !!0; //false
var thisIsTrue = !!1; //true

Why it works? Here is a short explanation. 1 is a valid value and thus true. When we write !1 now, then we create a false condition because […]

Open SAP GUI from HTML out of your webbrowser

SAP aus Browser aufrufenSome time ago I got into a discussion about whether it is possible to open transactions in the SAP GUI out of the browser. The opinion of the colleagues was unanimous – start SAP GUI from browser is something not be done.
However I have maintained and created a small proof-of-concept. Because it works. Ok, it’s not pretty, but it works. And that’s how to call the SAP GUI from the browser.
sapshcut.exe and what you can do with it
The solution works (among other things) using the sapshcut.exe (short for SAP Shortcut). This .exe file allows to start the SAP GUI parameterized. The possible parameters ranging from user via logon language up to the executed transaction. A complete list of possible parameters can be obtained by calling the sapshcut.exe with the parameter -?. (See screenshots below.)
sapshcut.exe - help from cmd  

Drawing 3D graphs in C# with ILNumerics

ILNumeric - different 3D plotsThis article deals with how elaborate graphs can be drawn in C# with the help of the ILNumerics class libraries – if requested the graphs can even be animated as well.
Similar to all of my articles on this blog, I will briefly introduce the library first, then I will obtain the necessary bases which are needed for the coding later on and finally I will show you step by step how to get there. Let’s start!
What is ILNumerics?
ILNumerics is a .NET class library that includes a number of components. The two core components are the Compute Engine and the Visualization Engine. ILNumerics expands the .NET-Framework by complex numbers, scalars and vector calculations, matrices and matrix operations, multi-dimensional data structures and much more.
Another advantage of ILNumerics is the Visualization Engine that makes plotting of two […]

Update: 404Checkr

404Checkr - RunningQuick interim report – as of today there is a new version of my mass linktester called “404Checkr”.
For those who can not remember anymore, let me explain it in a few words – the 404Checkr was released about a year ago by me. By means of this tool one can easily and very quickly test lots of links for their validity. Thus, for example, one can easily check out which webpages of a linklist are still online and which aren’t.
In the current version ( I have added four new features:

The 404Checkr now brings its own system to resolve domain names. Thus it can be taken to find the IP from a server by using its domain name. So servers can be tested even if Windows isn’t able to resolve […]