How to download SSL/TLS certificates in C#

How to download SSL and TLS certificates in CsharpThis article is about how to download (or save) SSL/TLS certificates from any server by use of C#. Although nowadays certificates can be stored quite simply from the web browser, this is always associated with quite a few clicks. And at the latest when you want to store certificates from mail servers, etc., i.e. systems that can not be addressed directly in the web browser, a programmatic solution, as shown in this post, may be the easier way.
All in all, I would like to introduce two variants today. One variant, which works only for HTTPS connections and another variant, which works for all TCP connections (like mail servers, etc.).
Download HTTPS/SSL certificates in C#
The first addressed solution works only for HTTPS connections and […]

Hot to show MySQL database size via SQL statement

Calculate MySQL database size via SQL statementToday, there is only a very short article with an SQL statement which allows you to display the size of a MySQL database, as well as the description of how to read out the database size via phpMyAdmin. Let’s start with the SQL statement. To display the size of a particular MySQL database in MegaByte (MB), use the following SQL command:

SELECT table_schema,
sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Database Size in MB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema="{my_database_name}" GROUP BY table_schema

However, within the statement, before the execution, the placeholder {my_database_name} must be replaced by the name of the database whose size is to be determined. If the size of all database should be displayed on the MySQL server, the where clause can be […]

Fastest padLeft-function in Java

Fastest padLeft function in JavaSince Java does not have a function to pad strings on the left or right side, you either have to program such function yourself or use an existing library, such as Apache Commons. Because I recently needed a function that would pad a numeric string on the left side (= padLeft) with zeros up to a length of 8 characters, but did not want to include a whole library for such a simple task, the only option was to write a padLeft function myself.
However, when researching and implementing, I found various solution approaches and so I ended up with six different padLeft implementations. In order to find the best padLeft function for my use case, I tested all six implementations during a small performance test and found the fastest padLeft function. Before […]

How to disable PHP OPCache for certain directories

Deactivate OPCache per folderIn this article, I want to show you how to disable the OPCache based caching for certain directories. (If you need a short introduction to the subject of OPCache, you should scroll down to the blue box in this article.) Although OPCache is a good idea in almost all cases, there are, as with many thing, situations where you should make an exception. Especially when it comes to the development or if a bugfix is to be tested, it can make sense to disable OPCache.
However, since other projects that benefit from OPCache are often running on the same web server, a complete deactivation of OPCache for such test cases can not be an option. Therefore, this article is about how to disable OPCache on the […]

How to open the default mail client in Java

Open standard mail in JavaIn the following post there is once again a small Java code snippet, by means of which the standard mail program can be called/opened.
In order to open the standard mail application in almost any operating system, a URI with the mailto protocol is suitable. Therefore, the following Java code must be able to compose the mailto URI format.
The second difficulty is to resolve this URI (or in simple words – to execute this URI). Unfortunately, this can not be executed directly using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec()-command, but must be started as a parameter via a system-specific program. Our Java-Snippet must therefore be able to distinguish between the operating systems.
Open standard mail in Java
The sample code can be run as it is and opens the default mail program with […]