How to upgrade ram on HP N54L

HP N54L ram upgradeIt is a while now since my first article on my homeserver was published. Nevertheless, I promised that more would follow, and thus now follows the second article in my series on My Home Server. One of the steps to build the Home Server was the extension of the working memory (RAM). By default, the HP N54L comes with 2 or 4 GB of RAM. (Depending on which version of server you ordered.) However, since I want to virtualize more than only one machines to the server, this is somewhat limited. In this article, we extend the RAM of 4 GB (which was installed in my type of server) to 12 GB. However, since the cover of the N54L is very small, this is […]

Build your own homeserver – what’s the right system?

Homeserver im Eigenbau - DatacenterA couple of days ago, a friend of mine (and co-worker) and myself talked about the topic of homeservers, because we both were looking for viable solutions to make our files available in our home network. During our discussion, the following points were brought up repeatedly: price / performance ratio, processing power, storage, security, performance, power consumption (or operating costs) and flexibility.
Right from the beginning we discussed all solutions that weren’t called (Hardware-)NAS and rather quickly waved goodbye to the solutions that came our minds.
The Fritzbox as a NAS – And it lived happily ever after…
For example, one of the cheapest solutions that we thought of would be attaching an (or multiple) external harddrive via USB to our Router (Fritzbox) and configure the Fritzbox as a NAS. Most of the hardware would have been available already, power […]