How to use enc28j60 ethernet shield with Arduino Mega 2560

Today it is time to talk again about one of my favourite gadgets – my Arduinos. In particular, for the Arduino Mega 2560 and how these can be used in combination with the enc28j60 ethernet adapters.
No products found.The enc28j60 Ethernet adapter should be known to one or the other of you, who has ever tinkered with an Arduino. These are the low-cost ethernet shields, which are available for example at eBay for less then 5$. Sure, the wiring and the library (the original ethernet library isn’t compatible), are not quite as comfortable as those of the original ethernet shields, but you can also save 30$  and more compared to the official ethernet shield.
For the Arduino Uno, there is already a handful of useful articles, which refers to the enc28j60 and Ethercard library. However, for the Arduino Mega 2560, I could not find anything useful information, so I would like to […]

How to add speech recognition to any website with HTML5

speech-webkit-demoSince Apple’s Siri voice recognition/voice control has again got back in focus of the crowd.  But Siri is far from being the only working voice control solution. There were already a number implementations before, some good some bad, and there is still far more than just Siri.
How you can “install” a voice recognition into your website with just one line of code, is what I want to show you today. The whole thing is based on HTML5 and is established as an  input element-tag.
And this is how it works:

<input type="text" x-webkit-speech />

Who wants to see the speech recognition in action, should go over there.  The only downside of this solution is the fact, that this speech recognition is far from cross-browser compatible. So at the moment it’s only implemented in Google’s Chrome browser. However, I could […]

wpSuggest – find the right keywords for your WordPress articles

Google SuggestToday I want to present you a WordPress plugin once again. But let us start with a short introduction.
Google’s autocomplete feature called Google Suggest should be known by everyone who uses Google. (And that should probably be the most.)  It is really convenient if you do not have to type in the complete search phrase everytime, because Google already suggests, what you actually wanted to write/search.
However, Google Suggest offers even more. Because if you do not know which keywords you need to use exactly, or want to know what is popular, so you just type a few letters or a word and then Google is proposing all suitable or relevant search phrases. And here we come to the WordPress plugin, that I want to introduce you today.
Uwe Ramminger from namely has developed a small WordPress plugin called […]

How to play N64 games on Android

n64oid (1)Are you one of those people who used to (or still do) spend hours, sitting in front of a game console? I for one was never the hardcore gamer and have only owned one console, but I loved my N64.
When I moved, I found some of my old N64 games and felt the need to once again play Super Mario World. Unfortunately it stayed with the discovery of the games. My N64 itself is gone without a trace.
Then last week I stumbled “accidentally” on a N64 emulator for Android. It’s called n64oid and is apparently a bit longer on the market. But to me it passed so far.
Anyway, I got spend the $4.99 and have thrown me n64oid on my Samsung Galaxy S2. And what can I say? I’m excited!
Although it runs not all of the roms I […]