Increase your traffic by using WDF*IDF analysis

WDF*IDF analysisAlright, the title might sound a bit sensational, but actually, “how do I get more visitors” is always an issue and the following article will hopefully highlight how to work towards this direction and what WDF*IDF has to do with it.
If you’re dabbling in SEO circles, “WDF*IDF” should be a household name to you. But not every webmaster or blogger has extensive knowledge in SEO. I even dare to say that most of you might have heard about WDF*IDF from “hearsay”, if you even heard about it at all. Therefore, I would first like to provide a basic understanding of the subject matter and then present you with a useful tool.
If you know about WDF*IDF already, just skip the next two paragraphs and go straight to […]

Top 7 WordPress SEO plugins

Top 7 WordPress pluginsSome days ago I was asked about my absolute favorite WordPress SEO plugins. At first I had to think about it for a while, because I wasn’t sure how to define what’s a “SEO plugin” and what isn’t. But now I’m sure.
The following is my personal top 7 of WordPress SEO plugins that I also use here on and/or It should be noted that all the plugins I use are available to download for free.
All in One SEO Pack
14 million bloggers can’t all be wrong – that’s how often this plugin is downloaded. It’s All in One SEO pack, and the name speaks for itself. The plugin can perform a whole multitude of optimisations on your site. I personally use it only to automatically […]

Adjusting the screen resolution in VirtualBox

VirtualBox 4:3 screen-ratioFor almost two years, Windows 8 is now on the market. So enough time to find hundreds of reasons to set up a virtual machine running Windows 8. Unfortunately, you are greeted by the form factor of yesteryear already during the installation.
In plain language, the aspect ratio of the sceen was in 4:3 ratio, which looked really ugly on my laptop which is in widescreen format.
After the installation I wanted to resolve the “problem” by adjusting the screen resolution, but realized that I only had a choice between various resolutions in 4:3 factor.
Let us come to the thing – how can we fix it? The problem lies in the lack of support of the graphics driver. Normally this can be fix by re-installation of Oracle’s so-called guest […]

Build your own homeserver – what’s the right system?

Homeserver im Eigenbau - DatacenterA couple of days ago, a friend of mine (and co-worker) and myself talked about the topic of homeservers, because we both were looking for viable solutions to make our files available in our home network. During our discussion, the following points were brought up repeatedly: price / performance ratio, processing power, storage, security, performance, power consumption (or operating costs) and flexibility.
Right from the beginning we discussed all solutions that weren’t called (Hardware-)NAS and rather quickly waved goodbye to the solutions that came our minds.
The Fritzbox as a NAS – And it lived happily ever after…
For example, one of the cheapest solutions that we thought of would be attaching an (or multiple) external harddrive via USB to our Router (Fritzbox) and configure the Fritzbox as a NAS. Most of the hardware would have been available already, power […]

Rebuild Spotlight index in MAC OS X

Rebuild Spotlight indexSince not long ago I have also become a proud owner of an Apple product. After 10 years of Windows-monarchy, the first Apple device, a 13“ Macbook Air, has managed to enter my IT scene, with the result that from now on, in addition to the Windows articles and occasional Linux articles, there will be also some articles about Apple/ MAC OS X.
But let us now get back to the actual topic. The universal search tool Spotlight in Mac OSX is without doubt very powerful. But if Spotlight strikes and if it doesn’t find all apps or files, it loses its sense. In such cases it could be helpful to set the index up again or reincorporate even just a single app in the index.
Narrow down the problem
If Spotlight doesn’t provide the desired search results anymore, even though the […]