How to get Whatsapp notifications on Sony Ericsson Liveview

LiveView Custom Notifications Whatsapp
Today I want to introduce you to a small plug-in for Sony Ericsson LiveView.  The LiveView makes it all really worthwhile for me. The plug-in is a “CustomNotifier plugin” and is available free at the Google Play Market, however, cannot be found easily through a normal search. (Unless you are versatile in Chinese.) That is the reason; I recommend you download the plug-in by following this link here. What is the plug-in capable of?
The CustomNotifier plugin, can as the name already implies, display any notifications on the LiveView. More specifically, pretty much every notifications of your Android device can be displayed.
Thus, for example, it is also possible to display notifications from your Whatsapp on the LiveView, without using a special Whatsapp plug-in. Since the configuration of CustomNotifier plug-in is not easy, I […]