Win8 BTD – [B]oot[T]o[D]esktop

Win8 BTD LogoI already wrote about how you can boot directly into the classic desktop in Windows 8. However those, who do not like to get their hands dirty while working with the Windows registry or just want quickly switch back and forth, should pay me their close attention for a moment. I developed a tiny tool which is called Win8 BTD where BTD stands for Boot To Desktop.
Win8 BTD is a small tool written by me, which does not more or less than to set the appropriate settings in the registry, so that Windows 8 launches directly into the classic desktop. Of course, any changes made can also be undone with a single click, if you would rather want to start again directly into the new tile view.
Download: Win8 BTD – Version

How to boot directly to desktop in Windows 8

Meanwhile everybody should have seen or atleast heard of the new user interface which comes with Windows 8. One of the big changes is that your computer will directly boot into the new tile-(start-)menu. I personally do not mind about that, but I’ve heard of many people who would like to boot directly into the (classic) desktop view without beeing confronted with the metro/tile-view at first. Nothing easier than that.
To boot directly into the classic desktop, only one value needs to be adjusted in the registry. What it is and how it needs to be changed, I want to show you briefly below.
Step 1:
At first you have to open the registry. (Therefore either search for “regedit” in the apps menu or start the “Run as”-dialog by pressing Win+R and then enter “regedit”.)
Step 2:

How to install Arduino drivers on Windows 8

One of my favourite “gadgets” is the Arduino (no matter if UNO, Leonardo, Mega, …), which you will surely read some articles about in the near future. But let’s get back to the title.
Unfortunately the drivers of the Arduinos are not signed for Windows 8. So, when you try to install the drivers, you will get an error that will look similar to the following message. (Click to enlarge the picture.)
Before installation:
So that this doesn’t happen to us, we have to make sure that we will be able to install unsigned drivers on Windows 8. How to do so, you can read in this article I’ve written some days ago. If you have followed the steps of my article, you can start to install the Arduino driver in Windows 8
Step 1:
Connect the Arduino […]

How to install unsigned drivers in Windows 8

Info: If you’re looking for a solution for Windows 10, read the article about installing unsigned drivers in Windows 10.
Meanwhile for me it’s almost impossible to live without Windows 8. I got used to the new interface and don’t want to miss it even for one day. Then, yesterday I detected a very unpleasant problem. Windows 8 just didn’t wanted to install a driver, because it was not signed. In the end it worked out. And this is how I did it.
Install unsigned driver with Windows 8
To install unsigned driver (driver which are not signed by Microsoft) in Windows 8, you have to reboot your system in a “special way” before.
Step 1:
unsignierte_treiber_unter_windows8_installieren (1)
As soon as Windows 8 is ready, you need to start the Boot-Options-Menu. Therefore you need to press Win+R at the Windows 8 desktop, to open the “Execute”-Dialog. Now […]

Best of Web #8

best of web - runde 8And again a Monday. Besides the fact that Monday, as the beginning of the week, probably is one of the scariest days of the week, there’s a second thing that always takes place on Mondays: My “Best of Web” series.
Today, it is already the 8th episode and this time there is again a novelty. There is no video in addition to some interesting articles at the end this time, like every week, because nothing suitable has crossed my paths this week.
But everything remains the same. That means – there are a few more bits of web development, the C# world and of the subject of hardware hackers. And now, I hope you enjoy reading.
HDMI over IP Windows client
HDMI over IP PC [...]
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