How to download SSL/TLS certificates in C#

How to download SSL and TLS certificates in CsharpThis article is about how to download (or save) SSL/TLS certificates from any server by use of C#. Although nowadays certificates can be stored quite simply from the web browser, this is always associated with quite a few clicks. And at the latest when you want to store certificates from mail servers, etc., i.e. systems that can not be addressed directly in the web browser, a programmatic solution, as shown in this post, may be the easier way.
All in all, I would like to introduce two variants today. One variant, which works only for HTTPS connections and another variant, which works for all TCP connections (like mail servers, etc.).
Download HTTPS/SSL certificates in C#
The first addressed solution works only for HTTPS connections and […]

Switch WordPress to HTTPS with free Let’s Encrypt certificates

How to switch your WordPress blog to HTTPSAs the one or other may have noticed, is running strictly via HTTPS protocol since some days. All requests via HTTP protocol will be redirected to HTTPS. How exactly the switch from HTTP to HTTPS for was realised and what things to have in mind, I want to explain in the following article.
This article shall show you how to change your WordPress blog setup from HTTP to HTTPS. As a basis for the article I used my setup, which consists of a VPS (virtual private server) with runs Ubuntu Server as operating system and Apache as a web server.
To give you a better overview, I divided the article in the following parts:

Why you should use HTTPS for a WordPress blog?
How to install Certbot and generate SSL certificates
Automatically renew SSL certificates with Certbot
Configure Apache to use Let’s […]