How to setup DDclient on Raspberry Pi for use with Namecheap DynDNS

raspberry pi logoOnce we have clarified in this article how to set up a the DynDNS (Dynamic DNS) service for your domains rented at, we will have to focus on how keep the IP/DNS records for each DynDNS domain up to date.
In another article I have explained how to do this using a Fritzbox. As for me, I have not only my Fritzbox 24/7 connected to the internet, but also my Raspberry Pi. So I will show you how to setup your Raspberry Pi to use it as a DynDNS client for use with Namecheap.
How to use Namecheap DynDNS service with ddclient on the Raspberry
Log into your Raspberry Pi (by ssh for example) or open a terminal window if you are working directly on Pi. In the first step we have to install ddclient, a DynDNS […]

How to use enc28j60 ethernet shield with Arduino Mega 2560

Today it is time to talk again about one of my favourite gadgets – my Arduinos. In particular, for the Arduino Mega 2560 and how these can be used in combination with the enc28j60 ethernet adapters.
No products found.The enc28j60 Ethernet adapter should be known to one or the other of you, who has ever tinkered with an Arduino. These are the low-cost ethernet shields, which are available for example at eBay for less then 5$. Sure, the wiring and the library (the original ethernet library isn’t compatible), are not quite as comfortable as those of the original ethernet shields, but you can also save 30$  and more compared to the official ethernet shield.
For the Arduino Uno, there is already a handful of useful articles, which refers to the enc28j60 and Ethercard library. However, for the Arduino Mega 2560, I could not find anything useful information, so I would like to […]

How to increase storage on TP-Link WR703N with ExtRoot

tp-link wr703n with thumbdriveA few days ago I wrote about how you can flash OpenWRT on the TP-Link WR703N router and build a ~20$ cheap OpenWrt router this way. OpenWrt actually works quite well on the WR703N, but in retrospect the following problem arises.
Unfortunately the WR703N has only 4MB flash (memory), so (depending on the selected image/firmware) after installing OpenWrt there will be just about 900 kB of free memory available. If you now want to install one or more extensions for OpenWrt, which in my opinion is one of the main benefits of using a OpenWrt system, you will be confronted with “no space available” messages in really no time. One solution to “bypass” this problem is to “ExtRoot” your router.
ExtRoot is a functionality that can be used to outsource the OpenWrt file system of […]

How to build a 20$ low-cost OpenWrt router – Flash OpenWrt to TP-Link WR703N

TP-Link WR703NFor one of my projects I was looking for a router that runs OpenWrt. But the all time classic of these type of routers, the Lynksys WRT54GL, is definitely too expensive in my opinion and so I searched a for a cheaper alternative. And I found it.
The TP-Link WR703N is a really small router, which can be powered by USB and also can be flashed with OpenWrt.
An unbeatable argument for the TP-Link is in my opinion the price. So I think you will rarely find a new OpenWRT compatible router for less than $20. I bought mine on eBay for ~22$ including shipping, but at the moment the US prices are a little bit lower. I also added some pictures from the unboxing at the end of this blog post.
Where can I buy the TP-Link WR703N?

21,00$ […]