Update: Cloud Downloader 2.3

Cloud Downloader Version 2.3In September I brought out the last cloud downloader update. Now today I’ll release the next version for you. With the last update there have been some changes to the download logic in order to respond to the changes on the SoundCloud website. Unfortunately, my algorithm was not 100% bullet-proof, so in playlists only the first 10 songs have been displayed.
In addition to that SoundCloud began to stream some songs exclusively as rtmp stream, so I had to rework the download logic another time. I look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy the new downloader.
Changelog (Version 2.3):

Bugfix: Possible to search playlists of any size (the 10-song-limit was removed)
Bugfix: Fixed 404-errors while downloading (by adding RTMP support)
Feature: The actual status of a searchquery is shown (this helps you while searching big playlists)
Refactored: Reworked the download logic and routines for wider support
Refactored: Wrote the threading parts again for better overall […]

Update: Cloud Downloader 2.2

Cloud Downloader Update 2.2 - Soundcloud DownloaderThe last release of my Cloud Downloader was round about one and a half year ago. But since then there was no solid ground to release a new version. The Cloud Downloader worked flawlessly since it’s last release and also there were no noteworthy feature requests.
But in the last two days I got several mails and comments telling me that the Cloud Downloader stopped working. So I opened my IDE, stepped into the code, started debugging and worked on a bugfix. And what should I say – here it is!
Today I’ve released the new Cloud Download 2.2 which got some bugfixes and one, simple new feature.
Changelog (Version 2.2):

Bugfix: Search- and download functions got repaired.
Bugfix: The downloader doesn’t crash any longer, if you try […]

How to use C# Web Service Client with BasicAuth (for SAP)

SAP Webservice with .NET Webservice Client and BasicAuthNo matter how frumpy SAP may look most of the time, nevertheless you can build such modern things like web services inside the SAP system. Even the WSDL (Web Service Description File) file can be generated in SAP. I read about this feature (WSDL generation) just at the right time, because recent days I should write a web service in SAP which should be triggered by a C# application.
In .NET web services can easily integrated via their WSDL file by using the WebReference feature of Visual Studio. Therefore Visual Studio generates a so-called proxy class from the given WSDL file which can be used to call all functions of the webservice without thinking too much.
As far as in theory. In practice I had to choose the security mode for the web service in SAP. […]

How to use alias for using-directives and namespaces in C#

Anyone who has already written one or the other program in Visual Studio with C# probably knows the following problem. Sometimes you use different libraries (Dlls) from different developers/vendors. Partly also libraries that fulfill similar purposes. This might go well, but it doesn’t have to.
Often you will get confronted with an error message like this: “‘XYZ’ is an ambiguous reference between ‘LibraryA.XYZ’ and ‘LibraryB.XYZ’”
What next? In the following I’ll explain how to solve this kind of error by taking the example of the AForge library. For instance we profess that we included the following using-directives into our program.
using System.Drawing;
using AForge.Imaging;
So now, if we use the class “Image” in our program, we will see the following error message, which result from the fact that there are two “Image” classes referenced. One in the System.Drawing namespace as also one in the AForge.Drawing namespace. Visual Studio (and later on it’s compiler) doesn’t know which Image class to […]

How to set default editor in WinSCP

When it comes to secure file transfer, one or the other of you should probably have heard of the SFTP-client named WinSCP. WinSCP enables the secure transfer of data between two computers based on either the SSH protocol or the SFTP protocol and provides, as also many of the normal FTP-clients do, the functionality of editing files directly on the server (respectively edit them direct out of the WinSCP interface without the premise to manually download the files before editing).
Unfortunately WinSCP will open all text files in his own simple style editor. But if you want to edit script files like PHP scripts, which is what I want to do most times, you will miss the comfort of a good text editor like Notepad++ or Sublime Text. But don’t worry – there’s a solution also for this problem, so that you don’t have to give up your beloved features like syntax highlighting […]