Today I want to present you a WordPress plugin once again. But let us start with a short introduction.
Google’s autocomplete feature called Google Suggest should be known by everyone who uses Google. (And that should probably be the most.) It is really convenient if you do not have to type in the complete search phrase everytime, because Google already suggests, what you actually wanted to write/search.
However, Google Suggest offers even more. Because if you do not know which keywords you need to use exactly, or want to know what is popular, so you just type a few letters or a word and then Google is proposing all suitable or relevant search phrases. And here we come to the WordPress plugin, that I want to introduce you today.
Uwe Ramminger from namely has developed a small WordPress plugin called wpSuggest, which exactly makes use of the Google Suggest function just described. If you write an article and enter words in the article title field, wpSuggest executes a query to Google Suggest and Google will give you suggestions for your articles title directly to your backend.
How WpSuggest looks like in action, you can see in the screenshot above. (Please click to enlarge the screenshot.)
In my eyes this plugin is a small but very useful extension for WordPress. So it not only helps with word-finding difficulties, but also helps to find the appropriate article title which is again found reasonable at Google.
You can’t download the plugin from WordPress’ own plugin repository, but only on Uwe’s blog. But a download is still worth all times.
And how do you think? Necessary or just a gimmick?