Free german spellchecker from Duden

The following post maybe is a little bit more directed on the german readers over at, but correctly I add a translation also for my international readers. Spelling correction is everywhere. Not matter if you use Microsofts Word, your smartphone, your mobile or your webbrowser of choice. Each of it brings its own spellchecker with it.

The problem is, that the German language, especially the German grammar, is more or less complex compared to a lot of other languages. So the most of the correction software doesn’t work quite well. However one, which works really good, is the one from Duden, the german standard reference spelling directory.
So if you maybe are learning the German language or want to be on the safe side, you could use the Duden spellchecker. The amazing thing about the Duden software is, that they […]

Generate array of different/unique random numbers in PHP

Sometime it is necessary to generate a list of different random numbers. A possible usage scenario therefore could be a raffle where the winners should be choosen by chance, but every single user shouldn’t get more than one prize.
So in the following snippet, I’ll show you how to generate a list of different randoms in PHP.

//Create an array of numbers from which the randoms
//should be choosen. (For raffle: the list of user id’s)
$array = range($minimum, $maximum);

//Initialize the random generator
srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);

//A for-loop which selects every run a different random number
for($x = 0; $x < $numberOfRandoms; $x++)
//Generate a random number
$i = rand(1, count($array))-1;

//Take the random number as index for the array
$result[] = $array[$i];

//The chosen number will be removed from the array
//so it […] from now on in english multilingual
I’ve planned for quite some time to blog in german and english. Therefore I read many articles about how to set up a multilingual wordpress blog. Although there are a lot of plugins for wordpress, which claim to be the best translation plugin ever, the most of them are more or less useless for me or don’t satisfy my requirements.
One importent criterion for me was that the plugin should work “hand in hand” with google. Sure, I’m not that epic seo professional, but I think I know the most basics. And a multiligual plugin, which save the texts from multi languages inside one post, under one url and only shows and hides these translations, is crap. Google will find one url, keywords and meta-tags only in one language, but texts for atleast two languages. That really […]