Drawing 3D graphs in C# with ILNumerics

ILNumeric - different 3D plotsThis article deals with how elaborate graphs can be drawn in C# with the help of the ILNumerics class libraries – if requested the graphs can even be animated as well.
Similar to all of my articles on this blog, I will briefly introduce the library first, then I will obtain the necessary bases which are needed for the coding later on and finally I will show you step by step how to get there. Let’s start!
What is ILNumerics?
ILNumerics is a .NET class library that includes a number of components. The two core components are the Compute Engine and the Visualization Engine. ILNumerics expands the .NET-Framework by complex numbers, scalars and vector calculations, matrices and matrix operations, multi-dimensional data structures and much more.
Another advantage of ILNumerics is the Visualization Engine that makes plotting of two or […]

Update: 404Checkr

404Checkr - RunningQuick interim report – as of today there is a new version of my mass linktester called “404Checkr”.
For those who can not remember anymore, let me explain it in a few words – the 404Checkr was released about a year ago by me. By means of this tool one can easily and very quickly test lots of links for their validity. Thus, for example, one can easily check out which webpages of a linklist are still online and which aren’t.
In the current version ( I have added four new features:

The 404Checkr now brings its own system to resolve domain names. Thus it can be taken to find the IP from a server by using its domain name. So servers can be tested even if Windows isn’t able to resolve […]

Manipulate any program by using C#

Manipulate any program by using CsharpThis article is going to be all about how you can control, customize and extend other programs using C#. As an example scenario we’re going to be extending the default Windows program Notepad with a custom function.
The C# application will modify all running instances of Notepad by adding a new button to the UI and listening for clicks on the button. A click on the button will convert the text in the Notepad text field into HTML using a Markdown parser (What is Markdown?) and display the HTML in our application.
If you follow the article, the finished product is going to look like this:

The article will have you construct the program step by step. If you want to read the […]

How to use C# Web Service Client with BasicAuth (for SAP)

SAP Webservice with .NET Webservice Client and BasicAuthNo matter how frumpy SAP may look most of the time, nevertheless you can build such modern things like web services inside the SAP system. Even the WSDL (Web Service Description File) file can be generated in SAP. I read about this feature (WSDL generation) just at the right time, because recent days I should write a web service in SAP which should be triggered by a C# application.
In .NET web services can easily integrated via their WSDL file by using the WebReference feature of Visual Studio. Therefore Visual Studio generates a so-called proxy class from the given WSDL file which can be used to call all functions of the webservice without thinking too much.
As far as in theory. In practice I had to choose the security mode for the web service in […]

How to use alias for using-directives and namespaces in C#

Anyone who has already written one or the other program in Visual Studio with C# probably knows the following problem. Sometimes you use different libraries (Dlls) from different developers/vendors. Partly also libraries that fulfill similar purposes. This might go well, but it doesn’t have to.
Often you will get confronted with an error message like this: “‘XYZ’ is an ambiguous reference between ‘LibraryA.XYZ’ and ‘LibraryB.XYZ’”
What next? In the following I’ll explain how to solve this kind of error by taking the example of the AForge library. For instance we profess that we included the following using-directives into our program.
using System.Drawing;
using AForge.Imaging;
So now, if we use the class “Image” in our program, we will see the following error message, which result from the fact that there are two “Image” classes referenced. One in the System.Drawing namespace as also one in the AForge.Drawing namespace. Visual Studio (and later on it’s compiler) doesn’t know which Image class to […]