How to setup DDclient on Raspberry Pi for use with Namecheap DynDNS

raspberry pi logoOnce we have clarified in this article how to set up a the DynDNS (Dynamic DNS) service for your domains rented at, we will have to focus on how keep the IP/DNS records for each DynDNS domain up to date.
In another article I have explained how to do this using a Fritzbox. As for me, I have not only my Fritzbox 24/7 connected to the internet, but also my Raspberry Pi. So I will show you how to setup your Raspberry Pi to use it as a DynDNS client for use with Namecheap.
How to use Namecheap DynDNS service with ddclient on the Raspberry
Log into your Raspberry Pi (by ssh for example) or open a terminal window if you are working directly on Pi. In the first step we have to install ddclient, a DynDNS […]

Setting up DynDNS for domains with

Also, if I rent my webspace (and now my VPS) always from german companies, my domains are with a foreign supplier. Specifically at This has several reasons. I’ve only had good experience there, I really like their web interface, the payment by Paypal and also the support is really fast.
One of the features which suits me very well at is the possibility to use DynDNS with all domains registered there. And moreover it’s free. With other providers, you pay for it often.
How to configure a domain on Namecheap backend, so that the DNS records can be updated automatically, I want to show you in the following.
Configure domains with Namecheap for use with DynDNS
namecheap_dyndns_setup_1In the first step you log into your account at Then select the domain for which you want to enable the DynDNS service.
For […]