Restore unsaved documents in Word

How to recover word documentsI think almost everyone knows the scenario: You work on a Word document and either Word itself or the entire computer crashes. In order to prevent a total loss of the document, Word can activate the so-called “auto save” function, which saves the document automatically every X minutes. So in a crash only the changes since the last automatic save are lost.
But what if you had not saved the document yet? In this case, Word does not automatically restore the document. But here, too, is one last salvation. We want to look at both tips in the following.
Enable automatic saving in Word
First, the automatic save should be activated. If this is active, you can even recover documents that have not yet been saved. (Say: Word […]

Update Node.js and NPM via commandline

How to update NodeJS and NPM via ShellToday’s article falls into the category “reminder”. Every few months I write smaller projects with Node.js. But before I start, I’d like to update to the latest version, and that’s where the dilemma starts. Every time I forget the command line commands for it.
Therefore, here are the short and concise CMD/Shell/Bash commands for updating Node.js and NPM. Once for macOS (OSX) / Linux and once for Windows.
Update NPM on Linux and macOS (OS X)

sudo npm install -g npm

Whether the update was successful can be tested with the following command.
npm -v
Update NPM on Windows
The following commands have to be set in Powershell (Start -> “powershell” -> right click -> Run as Administrator). Each line corresponds to one command.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
npm install […]